Défense de s'afficher en public
Défense de s'afficher en public

Following the exhibition Défense de s'afficher en public, here comes the book ! One year to the day after the announcement of the first deconfinement. 164 pages that retrace in pictures the 57 days of our confinement. Forewords by Jef Aérosol, Alain Le Quernec and Vincent Perrottet.

More infos
Éditions invenit
Broadcasting : L’Entre Livres
Distribution : Belles Lettres
Printing and finishing
Imprimerie Monsoise, France
Size : 20 x 27cm
164 pages Munken pure rough paper
AinsiFont Fonderie numérique,
Univers, IBM Plex
Photo © Jean-Marc Gourdon 
In bookstores for september 2021
Télescopique shop

ISBN : 9782376800668
PRIX : 25€ TTC

Défense de s'afficher en public
On March 23, 2020, France has been undergoing a sudden and unexpected lockdown for a week. The cities are empty, the streets silent, the businesses deserted… From now on, it is necessary to live the time differently.
The graphic designers of Atelier Télescopique have turned this forced fallow land into a workbench. Every day at a fixed time, they share their moods in the form of posters.
The only watchword : stay positive. Anna Karina's famous line in Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le fou sets the tone for this recreational adventure.
Cinematographic, musical, choreographic references… constitute over time an original ephemeris that can be consulted on Instagram.
Creative, the exercise is meant to be fun. Everyone is invited to decode daily this succession of quotes, tributes and detour, more or less explicit depending on the day, depending on the authors.
Obey, Bee Gees, Java, Mr. and Mrs., Bobby Lapointe, George Abitbol, Zorro or Emile Zola, the graphic designers are having a ball.
Fixed and animated, the sixty illustrations of the series Défense de s'afficher en public are exhibited for the first time on the walls of the Exshop gallery in Lille.

ExShop Galerie