Type book 1998-2018
Type book 1998-2018
Typographic collection published for the Atelier Télescopique twentieth anniversary.
More infos
76 pages - Wire'o binding
Closed 29x36cm
Open 87x36cm

Multiple supports
Imprimerie Monsoise - HP 12 000

Illustrations, fonts and pictures
Atelier Télescopique


We thank our partners who supported and accompanied us for the realization of this work: Imprimerie Monsoise, HP Indigo, Antalis (Folex, Inapa, Rheno Plastiques & Papiers, Sodinor, Stafix, Torraspapel Malmenayde, Winter Company).

Since 1998, we have been designing, editing and distributing our fonts via our digital type foundry AinsiFont.com. AinsiFont is one of the three oldest typographic foundries in France.